A young guy has been chasing me on a dating site for a few weeks. The pix he sent me left me curious. He's not pretty, his face looks a bit lived in, but very male. Hair like grown-out mohican. From the body shot he looks fit. I reluctantly agreed to meet him last night: I was working until after 10 but agreed to rendezvous with him near here at midnight.
Turns out he lives close by too, so we went back to his place. I'd had acupuncture earlier in the day for a frozen shoulder so I was feeling mellow. But I immediately felt at ease with him. He wanted to talk. He's early 30s, basically closeted, says he hasn't had much experience with guys (though he's had several boyfriends).
So here we are on his sofa. Although he puts himself down a bit–looks, body–he's very tactile, he's on top of me, legs entwined, touching as we talk. I had thought from the pix and the chat online he was maybe a regular "salaryman". But the apartment doesn't fit: it's upmarket and he's paying for it by himself. He talks about his earlier years. Bad boy at school. Lots of fights. He shows me the scar on his elbow where he stubbed out a cigarette in some exhibition of willpower. Likes travelling. Spent a season pruning vines in Australia, hoping to build up his English. There was the cute boyfriend from Nashville who turned out to be just too suspicious and controlling. Travelling around Europe after graduation, trying out any drugs he can find. And through all of this he keeps saying "I want you to teach me to ...".
Still can't work out what he's after. He's certainly horny: as we lie there I feel his dick pulsing against my leg. I tease him about it. He says it's a problem that he gets hard so easily. He asks what I want. I say I'm enjoying just lying there close, talking. But we decide to take it to bed.
He strips down. He's about my height but lean, muscled. He originally hit me up, he says, because I advertised for someone to run with. He tells me there was no-one in school who could keep up with him. Figures. From other things he says it sounds as if he's always been restless, bit of an exercise junkie. It's going to be embarrassing if we ever get out for a run together.
I tell him I like his body. He hates his body. Too fat, too hairy, not enough muscle... But he's going to have more time to spend in the gym from next month so he says he's going to work out for me. What did I do to deserve this.
He says I'm cute. I think he's out by a few decades but I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. He likes the shape of my head. Runs his fingers over my skull. Starts naming the different bones: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital... Describes where he would go in if he was opening up my brain. Wait... Yeah, turns out he's a doctor. Neurosurgeon no less. I'm trying to work this out. He's deeply closeted, seems as if he's not having an easy time of it (n. o gay friends). And yet here he is talking without any inhibitions about himself. Maybe it's easier to do with a foreigner.
He's the same when we start talking about what we're into. He's puppy-dog cuddly and affectionate. But he's not much of a kisser. When I get his pants off he doesn't like me sticking my tongue in his hole because he hasn't showered. But that uniform hanging on the wall... yeah, he gets a kick out of sex in cammies. He wants to know if we can play doctors some time: he wants to examine me while he's wearing his whites. We talk a bit about rough play. Yeah he's up for that.
As for tonight... He's hard again. Doesn't have any rubbers so we can't fuck. I blow him. He loves getting sucked. Comes in my mouth. He's a bit concerned when I swallow–aren't I worried about infections? He's a doctor so can't afford to have any infections, gets blood tested at the hospital twice a year.
I blow him again in the morning when we wake then jerk myself off while he works my nipples. I tossed and turned during the night–whenever I woke he was up against me, skin to skin.
So we'll see where it goes. I don't think I'm going to get much nasty sex out of him: no barebacking, no fisting I would guess, no raunchy rim jobs. But he's one of those guys who's immediately interesting–the energy, restlessness, slightly lost character, hunger for affection, openness. I want to see a lot more of him.
Coming Soon: Journey's End
10 hours ago