Friday, June 29, 2012


I celebrated the winter solstice last weekend by hooking up with my deaf mate for some fist. It was cold outside but the sun was pouring into his room. He's been having a rough time. He broke his leg in an accident last year and it took a long time to heal. From what I could understand he's also had some melanoma scares. When I saw him last weekend he had had his head shaved - I think because of some lumps on his scalp that the doctor wanted to check. He still has a lean and muscled body, with a great arse, but he has the look of a guy who has lived life the hard way. 

I still hardly understand a word he says but once we get going it doesn't matter. He loves being touched and held. And he goes wild with a fist up his arse. We took turns. I think he took four sessions in the end, while I took three. He's getting rougher with me, in a good way: a couple of times when he wanted to push back into me I signaled no and he pushed into me anyway, and it was fine. He wasn't being stupid about it – he judged it right. He got me very loose and relaxed, to the point where he could finally fuck me with his fist, pushing in and out over his knuckles. I love it. 

He's a bit upset that I'm leaving this city. For whatever reason he's a bit sweet on me. But it was a good note to end on.

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